Financial / Banking Illustrations
Project info
Duration: Jan 2022
Company / Owners: Harland Clarke / Vericast – Order My Checks
Role: Visual Designer / Illustrator
Mediums: Procreate, Figma, Illustrator is a check site powered by Harland Clarke – a Vericast Business. As part of the design team, I was tasked with creating original financial / banking illustrations to reinforce the ease and security of connecting a bank account online to reorder checks.

Before layouts or mock ups began, I reviewed the expectations with the team to understand what the intended target audience, inspiration, details, and specs were. During this phase, I put together a mood board as well as a list of keywords I thought would convey the expectations.

The research and feedback was more than enough to get started and begin sketching some iterations in Procreate on the iPad. I’d been wanting to loop my architectural design background into some isometric drawings for a while and saw this as a perfect opportunity. I formulated a vision for the three keywords of secure, fast and easy. Having gone over the areas available for the illustration buckets on the site with the UX designer, I knew to keep these at a relatively square format.

Final Deliverables and Lessons Learned
By working closely with the team and going through weekly iterations, I was able to minimize revisions and and maximize results. We decided to keep the general feelings of secure, fast and easy… but to translate them into mobile and manual connections with the option of browsing the product catalog. Below are the final illustrations and how they would be implemented onto the site. There are some elements of illustration design that can steer you in the right direction but have often found communication with the team is the number one priority. We were able to emphasize the call-to-action (CTA), while keeping balance, white space, and a basic visual unity for a cohesive look.